Semiquaver 16 rest


Contribute towards a fundraising goal or make a one-time or monthly donation to help foster children.

Crotchet Quarter Rest

Fundraising Goals

Goal for Little Wishes

Make sure that all musical requests by foster children participating in FACC “Little Wishes” holiday program are sponsored

Goal for Music Education

Engage with schools in the St. Louis community and sponsor 20 foster care students for participation in band and other school musical venues

Funding for Music Therapy Room for Our Foster Children

Complete fundraising to build out permanent music therapy facility with FACC and Cornerstones of Care of St. Louis to offer services to 6500 foster families in the region

Goal for Delivering Music Therapy To Foster Children

Sponsor 75 children who have been profoundly impacted by loss to experience the healing pathway of music

Middle school boy learning to play the piano with teacher

Would you like to donate an instrument? Please contact us.

Slanted Beam Eighth Note

What the Children, Caregivers and Musicians are saying about the impact of your gifts.

“Being able to contribute to this wonderful cause makes me remember why I got into music – to create space that brings people and especially children together to celebrate our community at its best!!!”
– Musician
“I would like voice lessons “so that I can learn to sing as pretty as that nice lady” (Loreena McKennitt)!”
– Foster Child in Texas
"Thank you M-T-R for caring about the kids (teens in foster care) and please let me know how I can serve."
– Nancy, Foster Parent in St. Charles, MO
music that reclaims white logo

P.O. Box 410092
St. Louis, MO 63141