Crotchet Quarter Rest
Treble Clef

Our Story

Forty-five years ago, when our founder was one of 15 children in a group home, a rock band invited all the children in the facility to attend their show.

Afterwards they ushered the children backstage to meet the musicians and for one brief moment, the kids were the band’s special guests. For one shining second they weren’t “foster children” at all but rather featured attendees.

Minim Half Note
Little girl using music sheets to play the piano
Semiquaver 16 rest

Despite the ravages of foster care, broken placements, lost families and constant threat of physical/emotional abuse, this tiny act of kindness combined with the HEALING properties of music, profoundly reconnected the children back to themselves and all that is good in humanity.

It exposed them to the sacred within and they beamed on the bus ride back to the residential facility, humming the music and dreaming of being a PART rather than APART.

“Music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common.” ― Sarah Dessen, Just Listen

Slanted Beam Eighth Note

Our Partners

music that reclaims white logo

P.O. Box 410092
St. Louis, MO 63141